volunteering & Band Boosters
Sign Up to Help!
Here's your chance to support the band by donating items, food, or your time!
- Current SignupGenius Volunteer Opportunities:
Pre-assessment concert snack donations (Thu, Feb 27 @ 6pm)
It takes many hands on deck to make this program a success. We need volunteers and donations for upcoming events. By volunteering, you will get to meet other band parents and have a great time supporting our wonderful students. There are lots of ways to get involved in the Marching Spartans Band Boosters!
There is no need for previous experience - just a willingness to pitch in! Please consider voluteering! It takes full participation for a fun and successful band season.
Questions? Email volunteer@wshsspartanband.org
Band Boosters
Marching Spartans Band Boosters is an organization committed to the support of the WSHS band program and the students enrolled in it. If you have questions about our organization or about a specific program please feel free to contact our board representatives (find list above). We welcome one and all, please come and join us in supporting our students. The West Springfield High School Band Boosters, Inc. is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation.